Banjar version 0.4 (and 0.4.1)

Released version 0.4

note: 0.4.1 release on comments in this posting

Download version 0.4 here, and version 0.4.1 here.

Changelog can be found here.

Upgrade instructions from version 0.3 to 0.4 available on INSTALL here.

View source codes on SVN repository here (anonymous read access). SVN history logs can be found here.

View online demo here (username/password: admin/secret).

Please report bugs and/or submit feature requests here (in English please).

cheers 🙂

6 thoughts on “Banjar version 0.4 (and 0.4.1)

  1. Hatomi

    tp k Anton untuk kelebihan atau fitur dari v-o.4 ini pa aja terus klo sepertinya kita dah pake v-0.3 bisa di upgrade ga ke v-0.4 ini

  2. pasya

    ka anton,jadi bedanya si banjar yang versi 0.4 sama versi 0.3 hanya beda di konfigurasi slot ja yach ! ?

  3. Anton Raharja

    Released version 0.4.1

    Download here.

    – fix multislot calculation error (slot 0, htb rate on IIX always 0)
    – fix device selection (previously hardcoded as eth1)
    – add option to ignore or take care ICMP traffic

    Upgrade from version 0.4 to 0.4.1:
    1. Copy files listed below to your Banjar 0.4 installation directory:
    – createfw.php
    – createtc.php
    – html_header.php
    – logout.php
    – show.php
    – inc/admin/*
    – docs/*
    2. Edit config_bandwidth.php and add these lines below to the bottom of the file (but before ?> sign):

    // ignore ICMP (bypass ICMP, not limited)
    // by ignoring ICMP you’ll make most of your clients happy 😉
    // but note that you might also allows viruses eat up your bandwidth
    // bottom line is: USE WITH CARE
    // value 0 ICMP will NOT be ignored (limited)
    // value 1 ICMP will be ignored (not limited, default)
    $apps_ignore_icmp = 1;

    3. Edit config.php and edit $apps_version from 0.4 to 0.4.1

  4. Hatomi

    makasih k dengan artilel kk yang ke banyakan b.inggris saya jd sediit2 ngerti b.inggris, untuk ganti pass yng lewat web ko ga bisa di ganti ya k

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