Banjar version 0.6

It’s been quite a while since 0.5…

Well, even FOSS programmers has to eat and drove his wife to her office everyday (just married).

Version 0.6:
– UI somewhat nicer (with tabs and themes)
– Bugs eradicated (perhaps, I highly think so)
– Secure (maybe.. mmh no, I’m sure)
– Still unable to control upload (need help)

Get it from:

2 thoughts on “Banjar version 0.6

  1. gerchu

    hi, I using banjar in a Wireless network, I do it some modofication in the program, especialy in the iptables roules, doing a match with the Mac ADD and a spanish translation. I hope don`t be problem for you. regards

  2. Anton Raharja

    cool, not a problem at all, you can mod it the way you like it

    next release would be in december, but if you know svn you can get the latest banjar from svn which remove 1 potential sql injection and some bugs

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