Banjar version 0.5

Released version 0.5

Currently add simple theming support, soon will add plugins.

Download version 0.5 here.

Changelog can be found here.

Upgrade instructions from version 0.4.1 to 0.5 available on INSTALL here.

View source codes on SVN repository here (anonymous read access). SVN history logs can be found here.

View online demo here (username/password: admin/secret).

Please report bugs and/or submit feature requests here (in English please).

4 thoughts on “Banjar version 0.5

  1. 212

    Hi again salut sama bung anton btw inikan base dari HTB tool tapi Ok lah buat bung anton tapi kalo bisa di update lagi biar bisa support dengan 7layer (application layer), dan DHCP bung anton atau versi comersil sudah support dengan yang diatas …

  2. Anton Raharja

    hehe, masi jauh lah yang komersil nya, mau nya sih cepet2, tapi ya gitu lah, masi ada aplikasi lain yang butuh perhatian, mohon bersabar dan terus melakukan testing 🙂

  3. Mohammed Aslam

    When i open the web, i have the following error:-

    Notice: Undefined variable: SERVER_PROTOCOL in /var/www/html/banjar-0.5/init.php on line 2

    Notice: Use of undefined constant type – assumed ‘type’ in /var/www/html/banjar-0.5/config.php on line 4

    Notice: Use of undefined constant host – assumed ‘host’ in /var/www/html/banjar-0.5/config.php on line 5

    Please help me

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