playSMS v0.9.3 released

Thanks God its holiday ! That way I can upload the latest code, release it on SourceForge and publish it on Freshmeat.

The latest change log:

Version 0.9.3 – 080520
– PHP PEAR PEAR-DB are removed from playSMS package, install them manually
– lib/fn_sendsms.php, websend2pv(), websend2group() returns array
– fix mobile2uid() in lib/fn_user.php returns wrong value, should be $uid
– fix locating base application path, previously failed to autodetect
– fix admin editing user, previously sender id was not shown correctly
– fix sms_poll not handling keyword correctly, sms_poll_handle()
– fix playsmsd process, changes to config file and php sources not updated
– fix HTTP API, input.php, ta=pv returns “OK” followed by smslog_id
– fix keep sending as SIM message, in kannel gateway, fn.php
– change logger behaviour
– add new plugin/feature, sms_quiz
– add new plugin/feature, sms_subscribe
– add new plugin/feature, sms_autosend
– add new hookable function, lib/fn_sendsms.php, sendsms()
– add new hookable function, lib/fn_core.php, playsmsd()
– remove target_keyword from gateways, setsmsincomingaction()

Get the code, install it and use it on your own. Never forget to contribute back OK, even if it has to be on a smallest, simplest, easiest way.. feedbacks !

playSMS v0.9.3,

Enjoy 🙂

51 thoughts on “playSMS v0.9.3 released

  1. amfpg

    pak mo nanya ne, aku pake playsms 0.9.3

    nah masalah nya di incoming sms, kenapa spasi itu di ganti sama tanda +
    jadi klu ada nyang masuk sms misal nya

    terima kasih maka di incoming sms nya jadi terima+kasih

    ntu kenapa pak?


  2. Anton Raharja

    pake kannel yah, cek aja di log nya (jangan tanya saya dimana), dia kirim ke geturl.php playsms kaya apa? ada + nya apa ngga 🙂

  3. amfpg

    Iya, pake kannel,

    kannel.conf nya seperti ini pak

    —– kannel.conf —–

    group = core
    admin-port = 13000
    admin-password = bar
    #admin-deny-ip = “*.*.*.*”
    #admin-allow-ip = “”
    #wapbox-port = 13002
    #wdp-interface-name = “*”
    log-file = “/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log”
    access-log = “/var/log/kannel/access.log”
    smsbox-port = 13001
    #box-deny-ip = “*.*.*.*”
    #box-allow-ip = “”
    store-file = “/var/log/kannel/”

    #group = wapbox
    #bearerbox-host = localhost
    #log-file = “/var/log/kannel/wapbox.log”

    group = smsc
    smsc = at
    host =
    port = 13013
    smsc-id = itegno
    modemtype = wavecom
    device = /dev/ttyUSB0
    speed = 115200
    sms-center = +6281100000
    pin = 1234

    group = modems
    id = WAVECOM
    name =WAVECOM
    detect-string = WAVECOM
    init-string = AT+CNMI=2,1,0,0,0;+CMEE=1

    group = smsbox
    bearerbox-host =
    sendsms-port = 13131
    sendsms-chars = 0123456789+
    global-sender = +6281100000
    log-file = “/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log�
    log-level = 0
    access-log = “/var/log/kannel/access.log�

    group = sendsms-user
    username = bebas
    password = deftones

    group = sms-service
    keyword = default
    accept-x-kannel-headers = true
    max-messages = 0
    assume-plain-text = true
    catch-all = true
    exec = /usr/local/bin/kannel_incoming %t %q %a

    —– end of kannel.conf —-

    klo dari kannel.conf itu yang berhubungan dengan geturl.php yang mana pak?
    yang perintah exec kah?

    klo bwat log menyusul pak karna vpn nya lagi mate 😀

  4. amfpg

    pak klo lihat2 dari

    dari perintah exec %t %q %a

    agar tanda + hilang berarti yang di hapus itu adalah %a ya pak?

    aku sendiri belum bisa cobain cuma nebak2 dari manual nya karna server sms nya beda tempat 😀

    di kan tulisannya

    klo yang ini kan buat nampilin waktu:

    %t the time the message was sent, formatted as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM”, e.g., “1999-09-21 14:18”

    berarti yang berpengaruh dengan sms nya cuma

    %a all words of the SMS message, including the first one, with spaces squeezed to one

    %q like %p, but a leading `00′ is replaced with `+’

    sedangkan %p itu sendiri
    %p the phone number of the sender of the SMS message

    berarti yang paling berpengaruh dalam memformat tampilan nya adalah %a ya?

    kira2 aman ga pak klo dihilangin, maksud nya playsms masih bisa nampilin sms masuk kan?

    berhubung belum bisa ngetest di server nya jadi cuma ngereka2 aja, kira bener ga pak?

  5. Faisal Reza

    dear pak anton,

    saya coba install banjar-0.8.1
    setelah selesai mengikuti petunjuk instalasi,
    pas saya coba jalankan dengan http://iplokal/banjar


    array(“secret”,1) ); ?>

    kira2 kenapa ya, mohon pencerahan. thanks

  6. amfpg

    pak, aku abis cobain pake simpati

    tapi kenapa yang keluar seperti ini ya di konsole waktu kirim pake geturl.php ?

    —- konsole bearerbox —–

    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: TP-Validity-Period: 24.0 hours
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> AT+CMGS=44^M
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: send command status: 1
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> 0031000C912618976939650012A722C834A80EA2A3CBF2320B747EBFC9A0F65BEE4EBBCFA110A8050A93DB6937
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> ^Z
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: maybe Sim storage is full? I’ll have a look at it. (500)
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: send command status: 1
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> AT+CMGS=44^M
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: send command status: 1
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> 0031000C912618976939650012A722C834A80EA2A3CBF2320B747EBFC9A0F65BEE4EBBCFA110A8050A93DB6937
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> ^Z
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: maybe Sim storage is full? I’ll have a look at it. (500)
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: send command status: 1
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> AT+CMGS=44^M
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: send command status: 1
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> 0031000C912618976939650012A722C834A80EA2A3CBF2320B747EBFC9A0F65BEE4EBBCFA110A8050A93DB6937
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> ^Z
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: maybe Sim storage is full? I’ll have a look at it. (500)
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: send command status: 1
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: SMSC[itegno]: creating DLR message
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: SMSC[itegno]: DLR =
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [10] DEBUG: send_msg: sending msg to box:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [10] DEBUG: boxc_sender: sent message to
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [9] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: got ack
    2008-06-13 13:43:46 [5586] [9] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: heartbeat with load value 0 received

    ———– end of —————

    kannel conf nya:

    —– kannel.conf ———–

    # CORE
    group = core
    admin-port = 13000
    admin-password = playsms
    status-password = playsms
    log-file = “/var/log/kannel/kannel.log”
    log-level = 0
    access-log = “/var/log/kannel/access.log”
    smsbox-port = 13001
    store-file = “/var/log/kannel/”

    # SMSC Fake
    group = smsc
    smsc = at
    host =
    port = 13013
    smsc-id = itegno
    modemtype = wavecom
    device = /dev/ttyUSB0
    speed = 115200
    sms-center = +6281100000
    pin = 1234

    group = modems
    id = WAVECOM
    name =WAVECOM
    detect-string = WAVECOM
    init-string = AT+CNMI=2,1,0,0,0;+CMEE=1

    group = smsbox
    bearerbox-host =
    sendsms-port = 13131
    sendsms-chars = “0123456789+”
    global-sender = +6281100000
    log-file = “/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log”
    log-level = 0
    access-log = “/var/log/kannel/access.log”

    group = sendsms-user
    username = bebas
    password = deftones

    # SMS SERVICE ‘Default’
    # there should be default always
    group = sms-service
    keyword = default
    accept-x-kannel-headers = true
    max-messages = 0
    assume-plain-text = true
    catch-all = true
    #exec = /usr/local/bin/kannel_incoming %t %q %a
    get-url = “”

    ———— end of kannel.conf ———–

    masalah nya di playsms apa di kannel conf ya pak?

  7. david

    This tool seems to be perfect but when I get on the first login page “Welcome to playSMS”, the left hand administration menu is not displayed.

    Do you have any idea concerning this issue ?

    Thanks in advance,

  8. amfpg

    maybe it’s about your browser problem?

    or try change url playsms, using ip address not localhost

  9. amfpg

    abis setting kannel.conf jalanin bearerbox dan smsbox ga ada error nya

    trus coba kirim sms dari playsms muncul seperti ini di konsole yang jalanin bearerbox:

    —————————– code error ——————
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: TP-Validity-Period: 24.0 hours
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> AT+CMGS=44^M
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: send command status: 1
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> 0031000C912618976939650012A722C834A80EA2A3CBF2320B747EBFC9A0F65BEE4EBBCFA110A8050A93DB6937
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> ^Z
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: maybe Sim storage is full? I’ll have a look at it. (500)
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: send command status: 1
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> AT+CMGS=44^M
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: send command status: 1
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> 0031000C912618976939650012A722C834A80EA2A3CBF2320B747EBFC9A0F65BEE4EBBCFA110A8050A93DB6937
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> ^Z
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: maybe Sim storage is full? I’ll have a look at it. (500)
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: send command status: 1
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> AT+CMGS=44^M
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: send command status: 1
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> 0031000C912618976939650012A722C834A80EA2A3CBF2320B747EBFC9A0F65BEE4EBBCFA110A8050A93DB6937
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: –> ^Z
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: maybe Sim storage is full? I’ll have a look at it. (500)
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: send command status: 1
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: SMSC[itegno]: creating DLR message
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: SMSC[itegno]: DLR = http://172.23.1..120/playsms/plugin/gateway/kannel/dlr.php?type=%d&slid=2&uid=1
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [10] DEBUG: send_msg: sending msg to box:
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [10] DEBUG: boxc_sender: sent message to
    2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [9] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: got ack
    2008-06-13 13:43:46 [5586] [9] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: heartbeat with load value 0 received
    ———————— end of error ——————————

    sim card nya pake simpati baru beli dan udah di registrasi ada pulsa 5000 😀

    klo kannel.conf nya seperti ini:

    —————– kannel.conf ————–

    # Sample configuration file for Kannel bearerbox on Debian.
    # See the documentation for explanations of fields.

    # HTTP administration is disabled by default. Make sure you set the
    # password if you enable it.

    group = core
    admin-port = 13000
    admin-password = bar
    #admin-deny-ip = “*.*.*.*”
    #admin-allow-ip = “”
    #wapbox-port = 13002
    #wdp-interface-name = “*”
    log-file = “/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log”
    access-log = “/var/log/kannel/access.log”
    smsbox-port = 13001
    #box-deny-ip = “*.*.*.*”
    #box-allow-ip = “”
    store-file = “/var/log/kannel/”

    #group = wapbox
    #bearerbox-host = localhost
    #log-file = “/var/log/kannel/wapbox.log”

    group = smsc
    smsc = at
    host =
    port = 13013
    smsc-id = itegno
    modemtype = wavecom
    device = /dev/ttyUSB0
    speed = 115200
    sms-center = +6281100000
    pin = 1234

    group = modems
    id = WAVECOM
    name =WAVECOM
    detect-string = WAVECOM
    init-string = AT+CNMI=2,1,0,0,0;+CMEE=1

    group = smsbox
    bearerbox-host =
    sendsms-port = 13131
    sendsms-chars = 0123456789+
    global-sender = +6281100000
    log-file = “/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log�
    log-level = 0
    access-log = “/var/log/kannel/access.log�

    group = sendsms-user
    username = test
    password = testing

    group = sms-service
    keyword = default
    accept-x-kannel-headers = true
    max-messages = 0
    assume-plain-text = true
    catch-all = true
    get-url = “”

    ——— end of kannel.conf ———–

    kira2 kenapa ya ada error seperti itu padahal simcard nya masih baru

  10. amfpg

    sory pak klo kebanyakan isi comment disini but mo report aja, playsms nya udah berjalan lancar, pake get-url si tanda + nya udah menghilang dan juga pesan error “2008-06-13 13:43:40 [5586] [6] DEBUG: AT2[itegno]: maybe Sim storage is full? I’ll have a look at it. (500)” udah kabur, ternyata kartu nya mesti dipake dulu ga bisa langsung tancepin ke modem abis di registrasi 😀

    cuma satu yang masalah di status incoming sms itu masih “fail” padahal sms reply dari orang yang kirim masuk.

  11. amfpg

    setelah utak atik file inc/admin/all_incoming.php, di line 66 ada code

    $in_status = ( $db_row[in_status] == 1 ? ‘ success’ : ‘fail’ );

    setelah dibalik jadi seperti ini, status sms yang masuk baru bisa sukses 😀

    $in_status = ( $db_row[in_status] == 1 ? ‘fail’ : ‘ success’ );

    value 1 itu buat apa ya pak?

  12. Anton Raharja

    incoming status akan success, in_status = 1, hanya jika incoming sms itu berhasil ditangani oleh routine PV, BC atau features

    selain itu akan fail, in_status = 0, liat lib/fn_core.php, setsmsincomingaction()

    kalo dibalik ya pasti sukses, tapi ya salah logika 🙂

  13. amfpg

    pantesan sms yang masuk fail trus ya karena pengirimannya ga pake PV atau BC 😀

    jadi waktu testing cuma ketik “nyobain sms server”, tu sms masuk tapi di status fail 😀

    tapi gpp lah salah logika dikit karna sms yang masuk ga akan pernah menggunakan PV atau BC 😀

    dari pada di complain user sms gateway nya mending akalin dikit aheheheh…

  14. Zaidi

    Mas anton gimana cara pake keyword,

    saya buat keyword INFO, dengan salah satu paramnya adalah linux, nah gimana menggunakan apabila ada yang kirim sms INFO, maka akan ada balasan baliknya

    mohon pencerahan


  15. Anton Raharja

    semua sudah ada di FAQ, kalo tidak jalan juga berarti ada hal:

    1. anda salah setup keyword, salah naro menu2, salah tulis dll
    2. playsms yang anda install tidak jalan baik karena anda ga nurut sama manual, improvisasi, ngerubah2 tapi salah

    happy debugging 🙂

  16. Zaidi

    mas Anton saya tindak ada yang merubah
    coba saya tidak mengerti cara pake untuk smsboard dengan keyword
    tapi kalau untuk quis, pool, subscribe, saya sudah mengerti dan sudah bisa

    mohon pencerahan

  17. Sule

    Mas Anton,

    Saya install playsms 0.9.3 berjalan dengan baik, kecuali :
    Pada bagian mau import phonebook dari csv file.
    Kenapa yang ter-import dari file csv hanya baris pertama saja.
    File csv bikinan saya formatnya sama persis dengan file hasil eksport dr PlaySMS.
    Mohon bantuannya.


  18. inaopal

    Mas Anton.. kenapa ya di halaman playsms selalu muncul pesan “Fail to sent SMS to : ‘+628116565650’ “, tetapi sebenarnya sms tersebut sudah terkirim dan diterima oleh nomor tersebut. Kira-kira masalahnya dimana ya Mas Anton??

  19. amfpg

    pak mo nanya dunk

    kan aku dah pake get-url = “�

    trus dah bisa dan lancar udah ga ada tanda + dari sms yang masuk.

    trus ku cobain bikin user pak, misalkan “abc”
    kenapa klo dari username selain admin, sms yang masuk ada tanda + nya lagi, ex “ini+message”
    ketika user ini dimasukkan kedalam group admin, tetep sama

    kira2 kenapa ya pak?
    apakah ada perbedaan membaca file kannel.conf nya?

  20. bhegank

    boos Anton aku mo tanya.

    pada saat kirim sms statusnya failed, pada kenyataannya sms tersebut sampai, kenapa ya ?

  21. Shoaib

    Hi, I have installed playSMS application but the below error shown.

    Notice: Undefined variable: DAEMON_PROCESS in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/init.php on line 4

    Notice: Undefined variable: SERVER_PROTOCOL in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/init.php on line 6

    Notice: Use of undefined constant base – assumed ‘base’ in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/init.php on line 79

    Notice: Use of undefined constant base – assumed ‘base’ in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/init.php on line 82

    Warning: include_once(DB.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/lib/dba.php on line 5

    Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘DB.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php’) in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/lib/dba.php on line 5

    Notice: Use of undefined constant user – assumed ‘user’ in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/init.php on line 110

    Notice: Use of undefined constant pass – assumed ‘pass’ in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/init.php on line 110

    Notice: Use of undefined constant name – assumed ‘name’ in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/init.php on line 110

    Notice: Use of undefined constant host – assumed ‘host’ in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/init.php on line 110

    Notice: Use of undefined constant port – assumed ‘port’ in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/init.php on line 110

    Fatal error: Class ‘DB’ not found in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/lib/dba.php on line 23

    Please I need the solution of above error messages.

    Many thanks,


  22. Yuan

    Pak Anton,

    saya install SMSTools 3 di OpenSUSE 11
    web nya pakai Apache, PHP5 dan MySQL

    SMSTools nya oke bisa kirim dan terima sms

    Setting playsms supaya bisa pakai SMSTools 3 gimana?
    Kok sending sms nya pending terus dan inbox nya kosong?
    Padahal saya lihat di folder /var/spool/sms/incoming nya ada

    Kemudian saat kirim sms, playsms membuat file nya bukan di folder /var/spool/sms/outgoing
    tapi di folder

    Di setting web playsms, tidak ada pilihan gateway SMSTools ?



  23. ratih

    maaf mas numpang tanya, kalau aplikasi playsms ini apakah bisa digunakan untuk multi modem?
    multi modem yang saya maksud adalah, ada beberapa modem/hp dengan no berbeda yang terhubung ke PC dan di jalankan dalam dalam waktu yang bersamaan?

  24. andri

    Pa anton saya mau nanya maksudnya error dibawah ini apa yah ?

    Warning: include_once(DB.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/playsms/lib/dba.php on line 5

    Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘DB.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear’) in /var/www/playsms/lib/dba.php on line 5

    Fatal error: Class ‘DB’ not found in /var/www/playsms/lib/dba.php on line 23

    mohon petunjuk pa

  25. Mustafa T


    First of all, thank you for so great and powerful webengine.
    Just wondering, is there anyway to upgrade from 0.8.4-1 to this newest 0.9.3.
    I can read from your readme file that upgrade is not supported, but I still wonder.
    Could you also explain, if it`s possible.

    I am running Ubuntu server 8.10 and 0.8.4-1 Playsms with Kannel.
    It`s working like a charm. 🙂 But still your approvments here are very useful and important.

    Best regards

  26. Anton Raharja


    I wish I can tell you there is any. You will have to do it your self or ask anyone with good PHP programming.

    Basically you just have to replace all files with the new one, and update SQL. But it will not be that straight forward.

    get the latest playsms from SVN


  27. Peter

    Hi guys,

    It seems like I am having some issues, too.
    I am getting following errors.

    Notice: Undefined variable: DAEMON_PROCESS in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/init.php on line 4

    Notice: Undefined variable: SERVER_PROTOCOL in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/init.php on line 6

    I can not find DAMON_PROCSS nor SERVER_PROTOCOL in any of the PHP files in PlaySMS.

    What are these and how can I fix it??
    I’ve been searching all over the place and can not find the solution. It will be really appreciated if you can help me out on this.

    Thank you in advance.

    — peter

    1. Anton Raharja

      First of all, get the latest playsms from svn
      Secondly, that wasn’t playsms related issue, try edit php.ini look for error_reporting, make sure its error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE, save php.ini and restart webserver

  28. Peter

    I still see the same errors.

    Notice: Undefined variable: DAEMON_PROCESS in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/init.php on line 4

    Notice: Undefined variable: SERVER_PROTOCOL in /home/x.x.x.x/playsms/init.php on line 6

    I guess error_reporting is just error_reporting related.

    I exactly followed the instruction that is posted here.

    When I try to get into http://localhost/playsms, it gives me the error. Any advice?

    — Peter

  29. Anton Raharja

    again, notices came from php it self, not playsms
    this has been confirmed by several users on mailing list

    please have a look your php.ini, and set error_reporting to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
    make sure you do it right (some distro have several php.ini, like for cgi, cli or apache.. and so on)

  30. agus

    mas,. untuk gateway yang smstools3 kok gak ada ya ?? apa saya yang salah baca ?

  31. andy.prasetya

    Pak Anton Yth.,
    Saya ada masalah dengan playSMS+Gnokii+smsd+MySQL : bisa ngirim SMS, tapi koq sebaliknya tidak bisa nerima SMS ya? Berikut ini saya sertakan beberapa file konfigurasi yang saya “sentuh” :

    #————- file: ~/.gnokiirc —————
    # ~/.gnokiirc
    port = /dev/ttyS0
    model = AT
    initlength = default
    connection = serial
    use_locking = yes
    serial_baudrate = 19200
    handshake = software
    smsc_timeout = 10

    allow_breakage = 0

    bindir = /usr/sbin/

    TELEPHONE = 12345678



    debug = off

    rlpdebug = off

    xdebug = off
    #————- file: smsd_start —————-
    # [jujur saja, ini buat sendiri, untuk ‘ngakali’
    # file smsd_start yang harus di sertakan dlm /etc/rc.conf
    . /etc/default/playsms

    ./smsd -m file -c $PLAYSMS_SPOOL -i 1 -b SM >/dev/null 2>&1 &
    cd $CWD
    #————- file: rc.local ——————
    # rc.local
    # ===================================================================
    # ===================================================================
    # ===================================================================
    exit 0
    O ya, spesifikasi teknis Linux box saya: Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex, komplit dengan MySQL, PHP (+PEAR, mestinya), Apache, Gnokii(+smsd), dan playSMS 0.9.3 dari Sourceforge, dengan menggunakan “very-old” Siemens C45.

    Mohon solusi, dan salam sejahtera selalu dari Magelang, Pak.

    Matur nuwun.

  32. Peter


    Since my last question back in Feb 3rd, I’ve been trying to install this thing and still having hard time.

    I changed php.ini, reinstall playsms and every possible tries that I could have done.

    Now I see the blank page. Do you know why???
    Suggestion would be appreciated.

    — Peter

  33. dedy

    mas anton numpang nanya..
    ak pake kannel 1.4.1 ma php
    tp pas da sms yang masuk ko balasanya thu yang masalah apana ya mass? kannelna to php..
    makasih atas waktunya

  34. dedy

    mas anton numpang nanya..
    ak pake kannel 1.4.1 ma php
    tp pas da sms yang masuk ko balasanya empety service from frovider thu yang masalah apana ya mass? kannelna to php..
    makasih atas waktunya

  35. Dimi

    Hi i have try SMSPlay and i think have very cool feature, but i have very big problem with smstools3, i cant sent any message i run in this mex “Fail to send”. My smstools3 setup is working great standalone, so i dont understand why! Also SMSPlay dont write the debug log as i aspected.
    I have red about SVN with some fix, but the repository is not working, please help if is possible.
    Many thanks from Italy

  36. Jean Jacques

    This is exactly something I need for my company but I must be doing something wrong.

    I install CentOS 5.2 with latest Gnokii and PlaySMS. Gnokii works perfect on its own and when sending a sms from PlaySMS it puts it under /var/spool/playsms and its status stays on “Pending”

    It’s as if PlaySMS is not calling Gnokii to read the spooled file and send it.

    Any ideas? 🙂

  37. alpha

    pak saya mauu tanya,,,saya sudah extract semua paket playsms sesuai dengan langkah penginstalan,tapi saat di jalankan di web muncul pesan forbidden,apa ada yang salah dengan konfigurasi saya pak ?
    terima kasih

  38. esraa

    Warning: include_once(DB.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/playsms/lib/dba.php on line 5

    Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘DB.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear’) in /var/www/playsms/lib/dba.php on line 5

    Fatal error: Class ‘DB’ not found in /var/www/playsms/lib/dba.php on line 23
    can solve my problem

  39. Anton Raharja

    have a look changelog 0.9.3, first line 🙂
    debian and ubuntu please install php-pear and php-db package, others not sure whats the package name but essentially please install PHP PEAR and PEAR DB manually

    does it work by copying only DB.php ?

  40. Anton Raharja

    please remember that playsms is not just using gnokii, not using gnokii binary, instead its using gnokii-smsd, smsd is part of gnokii

    i prefer smstools

  41. ryana aher

    salam kenal pak anton,
    saya install playsms 0.9.3 di centos. semuanya berjalan lancar. kirim text message, terima sesuai group, broadcast, pokoknya secara umum lancar.

    pertanyaannya 🙂
    cara setting fitur auto forward (mobilephone to group mobilephones) gimana yak? gak ngerti cara ngisi param2nya. Sekalian juga setting untuk fitur yg laen seperti auto reply, sms board, dsb. soalnya di FAQ terlalu singkat dan terbatas.

    Thanks before,
    Best Regards,
    Ryana aher

  42. William

    Hi Anton Raharja, will you be enhancing PlaySMS? It would be nice to have a credit system to allow users to send sms based on their monthly quota. And the mobile broadcasting is not working. The keyword ‘BC’ is not properly processed. The message is lost and cannot be found in mySQL database.

  43. andi

    Pak anton
    ini konfig /etc/kannel.conf
    # CORE
    group = core
    admin-port = 13000
    admin-password = pwd
    status-password = pwd
    log-file = /var/log/kannel/kannel.log
    log-level = 0
    access-log = /var/log/kannel/access.log
    smsbox-port = 13001
    store-type = file
    store-file = /var/log/kannel/
    #store-type = spool
    #store-location = /var/spool/kannel/store
    #smsbox-max-pending = 100

    # SMSBOX
    group = smsbox
    bearerbox-host = localhost
    bearerbox-port = 13001
    sendsms-port = 13131
    sendsms-chars = “0123456789+”
    global-sender = “+62818445009″
    log-file = /var/log/kannel/smsbox.log
    log-level = 0
    access-log = /var/log/kannel/access.log

    # SMSC fake
    #group = smsc
    #smsc = fake
    #smsc-id = default
    #host = localhost
    #port = 13013

    # SMSC fastrack
    group = smsc
    smsc = at
    smsc-id = WAVECOM
    host = localhost
    #allowed-smsc-id = default
    #preferred-smsc-id = default
    modemtype = wavecom
    device = /dev/ttyUSB0

    #log-file = /var/log/kannel/smsc.log
    #log-level = 0

    group = modems
    id = wavecom
    #message-storage = SM
    #need-sleep = true
    #sms-center = +62818445009
    speed = 115200
    init-string = “ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0;+CMEE=1”

    #group = modems
    #id = huawei_e220
    #name = “Huawei E220”
    #detect-string = “huawei”
    #init-string = “ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0”
    #message-storage = “SM”
    #need-sleep = true
    #speed = 460800

    group = sendsms-user
    default-smsc = default
    username = pwd
    password = pwd
    max-messages = 3
    concatenation = true

    # SMS SERVICE ‘default’
    group = sms-service
    keyword = default
    omit-empty = true
    max-messages = 0
    get-url = “http://localhost/playsms/index.php?app=call&cat=gateway&plugin=kannel&access=geturl&t=%t&q=%q&a=%a&Q=%Q”

    sudah bisa menerima sms, tetapi klo ngirim sms kog ga bisa
    pulsa full,

    di log smsd.log tidak terjadi pesan klo sms terkirim
    apa yang terjadi

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