Let’s add authentication on this part. Yes, that is the main focus of this article, to add an authentication mechanism so that SIP User Agent (SIP UA) can be authenticated by OpenSIPS.
Upon giving the username and password, UA will send a SIP REGISTER request to OpenSIPS. On 2 previous articles (part 1 and part 2) those SIP REGISTERs were ignored, all UA were just saved on user location by OpenSIPS regardless of what username or password they sent.
Of course we don’t want that for a production server, we want UAs to be authenticated with correct username and password. The username and password that admin set on OpenSIPS for each UA.
Please note that this article is the 3rd part of OpenSIPS on Ubuntu howto series. In order to successfully understood the content of this part you must previously followed article part 1 and part 2:
- Part 1 talks about OpenSIPS installation and basic configuration.
- Part 2 talks about how MediaProxy can be used to help OpenSIPS overcome certain NAT issues.
Let’s start part 3: all about authentication.