playSMS v0.9 released at

PlaySMS is a flexible Web-based Mobile Portal System that it can be made to fit to various services such as an SMS gateway, personal messaging systems, corporate and group communication tools.

– Multiple database engine supported (using PEAR DB)
– Available for shared database usage (tables using its own prefix)
– Send SMS to single mobile phone (web2mobile)
– Send SMS broadcasted (bulk SMS) to a group of mobile phones (web2mobiles)
– Support sending flash and unicode message
– Receive private SMS to Inbox (mobile2web)
– Forward single SMS to a group of mobile phones (mobile2mobiles)
– SMS autoreply, for easy autoreplying formatted incoming SMS
– SMS board, forward received SMS to email,html and/or xml page
– SMS command, execute server side shell script using SMS
– SMS custom, forward incoming SMS to custom SMS application
– SMS poll, manage polling system using SMS
– Write your own features and gateway to handle incoming and outgoing SMS
– Write your own themes to suit your main websites
– Simple webservices for sending SMS and retrieving delivery reports (input.php)
– Create your own gateway module other than Gnokii, Kannel or Clickatell
– Easy webbased control panel

– Support long SMS, length of text configurable through config.php
– Introduce hooks, some function are hookable
– Introduce themes, new look and feel
– Introduce plugins
– Features, gateway and themes now part of plugins
– Plugins are dynamically loadable (no plugin management available at this time)
– Add all inbox, all incoming and outgoing sms, available from Administration menu
– Remove public phonebook or shared phonebook
– Modify playSMS bin scripts
– Modify installation manual
– Fix bugs on incoming sms handler on all gateway
– Fix bugs on incoming sms handler on all features
– Lots of database changes, forget about upgrading from 0.8.1 (sorry..)

Download version 0.9 here.

View latest source codes on SVN repository here (anonymous read access). Statistics here.

Please report bugs and/or submit feature requests here (in English please).


5 thoughts on “playSMS v0.9 released at

  1. anton keren

    Mas, versi 0.9 kan ada bug fix dari 0.8.1.

    Bisa dilihat dimana detail bug tersebut? Karena saya khawatir dalam production box saya ini nanti ada masalah, sudah ada 500 data di database, karena ngga ada fasilitas update ke 0.9, saya berpikir juga mau update.

    OK Mas! Thanks buat aplikasinya ya!

  2. anton keren

    Makasih Mas reply-nya, sampai saat ini saya pake aman2 saja. Mungkin akan aman sampai seterusnya. Akan saya teruskan serve sms nya.

    Sekali lagi Trims.

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