PlaySMS is used by us

An email came to me last night. Lovely mods he did with playSMS. You know what, this sort of thing that I would love to hear from Indonesian.

Hi / Assalamu alaikum Guys,

I noticed in the readme file you would like to know when someone is using
playsms. Just wanna let you know I’m using it with gnokii with a USB Modem
(3G) Huwaei. It’s working excellent. To begin with I had problems using the
plugin gnokii because the gnokii sms deamon did not want to compile. So I
started out using smstools as it worked almost out of the box with my modem
but then I noticed it wasn’t supported by playsms. So I made my own plugin
for it or basically changed gnokii to match the sms format on smstools. I
will send it to you shortly. Furthermore I have developed a small event
system based on a Hijri and Gregorian calender and integrated it with
playsms. Now I have a few additional pages in the menu within playsms where
I can schedule when I when sms’ to be sent and how often etc etc. very
detailed level of planing and I can choose which group to send to. I can
show you a demo or send you some screenshots and you can decide whether you
want the code and the sql scripts if you want to include it. I’m also
scanning the messages scheduled for certain tags before being sent. Because
often I have dynamic data in my sms’s. for instance prayers times. These
change on a daily basis, but I have a people interested in receiving these
every day. I can’t add 365 events with the prayer times naturally, so
instead I have a script that look up prayertimes in the db or on a website
and in the message I have scehduled it says [PRAYERTIMES].

I’m not a prof. programmer I’m more a system admin and I just make scripts
here and there, so it has to be checked for holes etc. before being
published to others. But let me know what you think. The calendar thing
consist of a daemon (check_smsevent.php) checking every n minutes, a
add_smsevent.php and a manage_smsevent.php.

Be more open source by actually writing one.. well, not true, I think it should be… “be more open source by actually share yours” 🙂

Hav a nice long weekend.

8 thoughts on “PlaySMS is used by us

  1. Roll

    Hello, I’m interested in your event script. May you send it by email or post it to the community.

    thanks in advance

  2. Roll


    I got the version 0.93 and didn’t see it. Could you please tell me where it is ? is it possible to send sms at a defined date ?

    best regards

  3. Roll


    I’m looking for a plugins to schedule some sms at a futur predefined date. does there is any plugins like that ?
    Where I could find all the plugins of the community ?

    best regards

  4. Roll

    Autosend is for administrator, i’m looking for a feature that enable the user to send sms at a specific time and date. where could I find this feature ?

  5. Roll

    autosend is working for user as well? is it working for broadcast group ?

    thanks for your help

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