Admin ‘’ ngambek

Kata-kata dibawah dituliskan di website, tempat NS1 dan NS2 domain didaftarkan. Website yang tadinya penuh dengan layanan berhubungan DNS, saat ini berganti menjadi selembar halaman HTML dengan tulisan:
you win.. whoever you are…

you can call your bots off me now….

this is really pointless… whoever is doing this…

if your one of tens of thousands of people i have had to kick… my message to you is …

realize i live in a country/society with laws.. yadda yadda yadda…

i assure you its nothing personal… really…

i do not enjoy having to kick people… at all… its very unexciting… seriously…

if you use my servers for illegal stuff … i CANT host it by law… its that simple… i didnt make the laws…

Menurut saya sih.. admin nya lagi ngambek 😀 Ga tau juga sih apa itu pesan cracker nya.. 🙂

Akibat dari ‘kegiatan’ diatas adalah, ratusan email bouncing dan blog ini menghilang dari Internet untuk beberapa jam.

One thought on “Admin ‘’ ngambek

  1. sleepless

    wah, rupanya bener2 ngambek tadi admin nya 😀

    skrg di tertulis:

    To everyone who’s site is down right now:

    Someone whom I do not know, for reasons I do not know, decided to carry out a large scale attack against all of my servers. This has been going on since Friday Aug 4th. My usage has increased by about 400x more then normal last night. My ISPs both tell me this attack against me is causing other customers of theirs to become unreachable, as a result. I have been blocked on both networks, so that the damage is minimized on their own networks and customers.

    You guys are my #1 priority. I will be increasing capacity as a result of this incident.

    I will also be contacting researchers in the industry who may be interested in attack mitigation and want access to attacks like this.

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