Tag Archives: smsgateway

Install playSMS using Docker in DigitalOcean

So far I’m satisfied with what I get from docker-playsms project, in such a short time. From the project I have built the Docker image and push it to the registry so that people can use it right away. The project also intended for people who want to build the image them self, customize it, fix it, add or remove stuffs, re-package it and then push it under their own name, for their own purposes.

I might be too early to get satisfied, but I do, so be it šŸ™‚

I realize that so much things can be improved, so much stuffs can be added and enhanced. But I leave that to us all, can’t do it my self for sure, for now.


This article is the tutorial on how to install playSMS, a Free and Open SourceĀ SMS portal or SMS gateway, using Docker in DigitalOcean. We will be using the Docker application image available on DigitalOcean and playSMS Docker image available in Docker hub.

The tutorial can be followed in about 30 minutes. Once you learnt then you can do this again faster, I’d say less than 15 minutes.

Let’ start.

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