Author Archives: Anton Raharja

OpenBTS UMTS Bagian 1

Pagi ini jadwal saya ke Universitas Gunadarma untuk melanjutkan riset ngoprek OpenBTS, kali ini kami berniat mencoba OpenBTS-UMTS.

Ya, 3G dengan OpenBTS. 3G dengan perangkat Ettus N210 yang sebelumnya telah dibuatkan artikelnya beberapa waktu lalu, OpenBTS 5.0.

Keseluruhan riset ngoprek dibagi dalam 2 artikel atau 2 bagian:

  • Bagian 1 mengenai instalasi aplikasi OpenBTS-UMTS dan inisiasi hardware
  • Bagian 2 nanti fokus pada konfigurasi lanjutan dan ujicoba di lapangan

Artikel bagian 1 ini terdiri dari 4 sub-judul:

  1. Persiapan Software
  2. Persiapan Hardware
  3. Instalasi OpenBTS-UMTS
  4. Konfigurasi Dasar

Harap dicatat bahwa ujicoba belum benar-benar dilakukan pada bagian 1 ini. Saya tidak tahu apakah nanti 3G benar-benar dapat digunakan atau tidak. Atau kesulitan-kesulitan apa yang mungkin akan ditemui saat ujicoba.

Bagian 2 direncanakan untuk di-publish minggu depan.

Mari kita mulai bagian 1.

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OpenSIPS on Ubuntu Part 2

This article would be the second part of OpenSIPS 1.11.6 installation on Ubuntu Server 14.04.

The first part available here. It is recommended to read and follow the first part first.

There are 2 sections available in this part:

  1. MediaProxy
  2. OpenSIPS NAT Configuration

The focus on this part is to setup a way to help User Agents under NAT routers. No user authentication stuffs will be added, for that you will need to also follow the instruction on part 3, when its available (soon).

Let’s do the 2nd part.

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OpenSIPS on Ubuntu Part 1

OpenSIPS 1.11.6 LTS installation on Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS Part 1.

This article is divided into three sections:

  1. Preparation
  2. Installation
  3. Basic Configuration

The focus on this part is only the installation and a very basic configuration just to see if the OpenSIPS installed properly.

Warning, you have to also follow and do the next part to finalize setups and to secure the OpenSIPS installation on Ubuntu.

Let’s do the part 1.

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Setting Up STUN/TURN Server on

This article is about how I setup a STUN/TURN service server on my domain, so I do not forget how to do it again later 🙂 You can then use the STUN and/or TURN server on from anywhere, any application that requires one or both of them. is a service server that I setup to test and learn the current IP communication technologies such as WebRTC, SIP and XMPP/Jabber. I also try to seriously setup and maintain it so that it can actually be useful to anyone for actual usages on a long-term.


Actual deployment of STUN/TURN server on is different than this manual. Current implementation the STUN/TURN server on are using different port than the default setup.

[code lang=text]
Public STUN server address :

Public TURN server address : (UDP/TCP)
Public TURN credential : public
Public TURN username : public

This article is divided into three parts:

  • Part 1: Installation
  • Part 2: Basic Configuration
  • Part 3: The Test

The server is using Ubuntu Server 14.04 and the STUN/TURN server software is Coturn.

Just in case you’re wondering why you should need to even use a STUN and/or TURN service server, here are some pages to start with:


Ready ? Let’s begin.

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Instalasi dan Konfigurasi OpenBTS 5.0

OpenBTS masih terus dikembangkan, versi terkini adalah OpenBTS 5.0. Banyak sekali pengembangan yang dilakukan untuk kemudahan dalam instalasi dan penggunaan di OpenBTS 5.0 ini.

Berita singkat mengenai rilis OpenBTS 5.0 dapat dibaca disini.

Pada kesempatan ini penulis dan rekan ingin membagi informasi mengenai instalasi dan konfigurasi dasar OpenBTS 5.0. Tujuan akhir dari penulisan artikel ini adalah agar penulis dan rekan dapat membuatkan semacam web GUI untuk operator-operator OpenBTS agar mereka dapat mengoperasikan OpenBTS dengan nyaman, serta mempelajari pemanfaatan E164.ID untuk jaringan OpenBTS.

Ujicoba dilaksanakan di Universitas Gunadarma atas bantuan pak M. Akbar Marwan, Rizky Herpurwadi dan Andreas Widodo, terima kasih banyak atas asistensinya, dan tentunya dorongan dan bahan-bahan terdahulu dari pak Onno yang keren 🙂

Tidak mudah mendapatkan akses pada perangkat OpenBTS, Ettus N210, maka dari itu jangan sia-sia kan kesempatan yang diberikan ketika anda diberikan izin untuk ngoprek 🙂

Mari kita mulai.

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Dead Simple Prosody Chat Server

Prosody is a free and open source software that provides XMPP/Jabber server service for chat or instant messaging. It has multi-domain supports and other XMPP/Jabber features.

Let’s install it, configure it and use it. I’ll be using Ubuntu server 14.04 and Prosody from apt-get.

Upgrade the server and reboot:

[code lang=text]
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
sudo reboot

Please note that you may skip above steps if you know what you’re doing.

Install Prosody:

[code lang=text]
sudo apt-get -y install prosody

That’s it. Installation is finished. Next is to create SSL certificates and do some basic configuration.

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Secure Chat

A few days ago I wrote an article about ejabberd 16 installation and basic configuration on CentOS 6.7, and I missed one part where I should wrote the configuration of SSL certificates. You’ll need that to encrypt your chat sessions.

This article has three parts:

  • Part 1: Prepare SSL Certificate
  • Part 2: Adjust Configuration
  • Part 3: Reload Configuration

The goal is to get the installed ejabberd, preferably installed by following my ejabberd installation howto, to provide secure, encrypted, chat sessions.

Let’s just do it.

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Howto Setup ejabberd 16 on CentOS 6.7


Do It Yourself an Instant Messaging server, an experiment with ejabberd.

This article is divided into three parts:

  • Part 1: Prepare The Server
  • Part 2: Install ejabberd
  • Part 3: Basic Configuration

The goal of this article is to compile and install ejabberd from source on CentOS, configure admin account to enable the web admin and add an example how to configure ejabberd to support multiple domains or virtual hosts.

Part 1: Prepare The Server

Linux CentOS Minimal

Linux server installation:

  • You may use VirtualBox or any other virtualization software, or a real server
  • You may also do this in a VPS such as in DigitalOcean
  • You need fast Internet connection, we will be downloading lots of stuffs
  • Install CentOS 6.7 minimal version, get the minimal version of CentOS 6.7 installer ISO here
  • Configure the network so that the server will have access to the Internet
  • You must make sure that the SSH server is installed and running, access the server using SSH, work from outside
  • You will need to login as root during installation

Please note that you can always use full version of CentOS, the same installation steps in this article will still work.

Update: This article will also work on CentOS 7.1

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Experimenting with Asterisk 13 and FreePBX 13


Do It Yourself an IPPBX, an experiment with Asterisk 13 and FreePBX 13 on CentOS 6.

This article is divided into three parts:

  • Part 1: Prepare The Server
  • Part 2: Install Asterisk 13
  • Part 3: Install FreePBX 13

The goal is to get the PC provides Private Branch eXchange services, a phone system, using Free and Open Source Software.

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