Banjar stands for bandwidth justification for administrator, an open source software that provides simple bandwidth management tools for internet cafe or small to medium network administrators.
Banjar will manage your uplink and downlink bandwidth, let you define your networks and packages and then limit bandwidth for each of those packages on each networks. For Indonesian, you will find this tool useful as it separates IIX bandwidth and International bandwidth. Easy application to install and operate.
LGPL as in GNU Lesser General Public License. In short, you can include Banjar as a library into your own application, re-publish it, modify it, change it, use it, sell it, for free or paid. You don’t need to provide the source code when using Banjar with your own software or any other software. Only when you modify Banjar source codes, you will have to provide those modifications accessible for public.
Main developer is Anton Raharja (me me mee..). Once I got helps from Abdul Hanan and Moses Kurniawan, mostly for web UI stuffs. Every now and then WAN-DKI team (Asoka, Engkos, Dedi, Husen, Sindu, Imam) helps in a way that they can do best, bug me to code fixes, updates and more features !
Below are software required to install Banjar. Most of them are already available on main stream Linux distros.
- Linux (any linux capable of running iptables and tc with HTB)
- Apache (any version, not tested on other web server)
- MySQL or Sqlite3 (the default is Sqlite3)
- PHP4 or PHP5 (wrote on php4 but will work on php5)
- iptables (load connmark modules, automatic on most distros)
- tc (iproute2 package)
- cron (scheduler for writing rules to a shell script and execute them automatically)
- svn (subversion package, this is optional, only for brave linux admin)
You may continue to installation part after all requirements above met.
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