Author Archives: Anton Raharja

Kompas May 24th, Page 16

VoIP Rakyat did something extraordinary to me again. This time, it put me into 1 of the mainstream newspaper in Indonesia, Kompas. You can read a glance of me and me with VoIP Rakyat in page 16 Kompas May 24th, 2007.

This time, again, my status of being unfinished in university follows me. It seems for some people, it has been probably the most interesting part of being me related to my activities 🙂 Well I hope not.

A bit words I wanna add, or hopes that somebody will notice it, is that learning is everything, degree is important, for me things were different.

Note: This is the article.

IP-PBX Workshop with MNCC

MNCC is abbreviation of Malaysian National Computer Confederation. They are hooked-up with governments to conduct trainings on IT, and probably more. Monday, 7 May 2007, they asked me to be the speaker on their IP-PBX workshop. So I did.

The workshop titled “IP-PBX In A Day”, conducted at Armada Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Most of the participants were government’s officials. There were also from Thailand and Singapore.

I was very exciting to be given that opportunity. And I was happy at the end of workshop they were managed to understand I would say more than half of the material.

ICT Indonesia 2007

VoIP Rakyat punya kesempatan untuk “jaga stand” MetroTV di acara ICT Indonesia 2007. Acara tersebut berlangsung antara 3 May 2007 sampai 5 May 2007. VoIP Rakyat yang diwakili saya sendiri cuap-cuap disana pada tanggal 3 May 2007 (besok Kamis) jam 16.00 – 18.00.

Buat yang ingin bertanya-tanya dan diskusi seputar VoIP, datang saja besok dan temui saya disana 🙂

Jendela Dunia

Gara-gara VoIP Rakyat dan Open Source, hari Senin lalu saya di-interview dan diambil gambarnya untuk acara “Jendela Dunia” di MetroTV. Kata mereka (orang produksi acara) akan ditampilkan di MetroTV pada acara “Jendela Dunia” hari Sabtu besok 28 April 2007 pukul 11.30 – 12.00 siang.

Pertama e-Lifestyle, sekarang Jendela Dunia 😉

Dari 2 jam pengambilan film katanya hanya 8 menit yang diambil, itu sudah termasuk saya ngajar, meeting dengan tim dan 2 rekan saya, Sindu Irawan dan Endy Muhardin, memberi komentar tentang saya dan Open Source.

Rasa-rasanya sih saya belum cukup pantas untuk diangkat profil nya, apalagi dalam dunia Open Source, tapi seseorang pastinya telah merekomendasikan saya pada mereka, maka jadilah 🙂

Video Call

Back from Malaysia (did some work on VoIP), got a special video that I wanna share with you guys. A video call using an IP Phones (with video). A rarely scene found here in Indonesia don’t you think so? 🙂

Anyway, enjoy the (sort) show, click here to watch.

Here’s couple of photos:

my workspace there

ip phone with video

My server used Asterisk 1.4.2. It has video-voice-mail (a voice mail, but also saved video). You can leave video+voice message to your friend 🙂

Laporan AsterConference Jakarta (part 2)

Perusahaan penyedia solusi VoIP asal Bandung juga hebat. Produk nya menarik dan lengkap, membawakan presentasi nya sangat baik. Selain mereka ada juga yang menceritakan pengalaman mereka bertahun-tahun dalam berbisnis VoIP enabler. Biasanya melalui instalasi Call Center.

Waktu istirahat digunakan untuk berbagi pengalaman, tukar kartu nama, linking and partnering 🙂

Cukup sampai disini saja laporan AsterConference. Keburu banyak hal yang lebih menarik untuk dikabarkan setelah banjir yang membuat saya cukup jauh dari internet hehe.

Speakers, me on black jacket

Banjar version 0.5

Released version 0.5

Currently add simple theming support, soon will add plugins.

Download version 0.5 here.

Changelog can be found here.

Upgrade instructions from version 0.4.1 to 0.5 available on INSTALL here.

View source codes on SVN repository here (anonymous read access). SVN history logs can be found here.

View online demo here (username/password: admin/secret).

Please report bugs and/or submit feature requests here (in English please).

Banjar version 0.4 (and 0.4.1)

Released version 0.4

note: 0.4.1 release on comments in this posting

Download version 0.4 here, and version 0.4.1 here.

Changelog can be found here.

Upgrade instructions from version 0.3 to 0.4 available on INSTALL here.

View source codes on SVN repository here (anonymous read access). SVN history logs can be found here.

View online demo here (username/password: admin/secret).

Please report bugs and/or submit feature requests here (in English please).

cheers 🙂