Author Archives: Anton Raharja

playSMS v0.9.2 released

This release contains several fixes, read it on:

Upgrade to this version from 0.9.1 is simple, replace all files with the new one, copy config-dist.php to config.php and change config.php accordingly.

Changelog v0.9.2 – 080406
– fix uplink incoming path not to use gnokii incoming path
– fix links on plugin/themes/default/welcome.php should point to index.php
– fix problem when sending message on some php version (please confirm)
– most paths autodetected, simpler config.php

always checkout the latest svn, some bugfixes and enhancements are available in there

svn co playsms


Banjar v0.8.1 Released

A quick post about Banjar, new release available here:

Changelog v0.8.1 (update 5 April 2008)
– add collapse javascript for simpler node view
– add print and save link on package menu
– always show available slots instead of used slots
– fix bug on handling unmarked nodes
– fix bug doesn’t executed correctly from cron
– fix bug running paralel


Banjar v0.8 Released

I just love iptables and tc ! I even create a simple, easy to install easy to use application to make you love them as I do 😀

Version 0.8 contains several enhancements and a few important fixes. Starting from this version Banjar will not just for Indonesian (with IIX stuff hardcoded), but since admin can create a network based on destinations and each network can have their own packages where nodes (former name is client) can select multiple packages, Banjar will be suitable for those having problem configuring Linux bandwidth management or simply loves web-based user interface.

Other enhancements would be the addition of Sqlite3 support. This means that the router managing clients will not need MySQL installed, instead we use a text file based database, Sqlite3.

Don’t forget to always view the latest changelog here:

Latest source code always available on svn repository:

svn co banjar

RT/RW Net are most welcome to test the latest Banjar 🙂

Changlog Banjar v0.8 (update 18 March 2008)
– add support for sqlite3, and make it default, no mysql installed on router
– remove netfilter.iix as we have them on database now, network menu
– remove invoices from nodes
– each network has their own packages
– nodes can select multiple packages
– packet marking using connmark and mark, speed up performances
– fix cacti templates on contribs
– move config*.php to directory conf (conf.example)
– add support for network, group packages and nodes based on destinations
– major changes on database structure (upgrade available)
– add support for registry, dynamic configurations stored in a database table

Dive into to get the latest source code, svn repository, view demo, statistics and tracker.

I need help, please contribute by simply submitting bugs and requests to tracker.

Bandwidth shaping in Linux is easy, we can help optimizing and perfecting the tool, we can help each other by contributing knowledges 😉


playSMS v0.9.1 released

Version 0.9.1 released.

– Add long SMS support, length of text is configurable
– Add new gateway for sms server tools (compatible with smstools and smstools3)
– Add manual for sms server tools
– Add more UI control possibilities to themes
– Remove frame, playSMS web interface without frame
– Fix issues with input.php, add xml output to delivery status retrieval

Project website is here.

Download latest playSMS package here.

Get the latest source codes on SVN repository here (anonymous read access). Statistics here.

Please report bugs and/or submit feature requests here (in English please).

p.s. we need help translating manuals to Bahasa.


PlaySMS is used by us

An email came to me last night. Lovely mods he did with playSMS. You know what, this sort of thing that I would love to hear from Indonesian.

Hi / Assalamu alaikum Guys,

I noticed in the readme file you would like to know when someone is using
playsms. Just wanna let you know I’m using it with gnokii with a USB Modem
(3G) Huwaei. It’s working excellent. To begin with I had problems using the
plugin gnokii because the gnokii sms deamon did not want to compile. So I
started out using smstools as it worked almost out of the box with my modem
but then I noticed it wasn’t supported by playsms. So I made my own plugin
for it or basically changed gnokii to match the sms format on smstools. I
will send it to you shortly. Furthermore I have developed a small event
system based on a Hijri and Gregorian calender and integrated it with
playsms. Now I have a few additional pages in the menu within playsms where
I can schedule when I when sms’ to be sent and how often etc etc. very
detailed level of planing and I can choose which group to send to. I can
show you a demo or send you some screenshots and you can decide whether you
want the code and the sql scripts if you want to include it. I’m also
scanning the messages scheduled for certain tags before being sent. Because
often I have dynamic data in my sms’s. for instance prayers times. These
change on a daily basis, but I have a people interested in receiving these
every day. I can’t add 365 events with the prayer times naturally, so
instead I have a script that look up prayertimes in the db or on a website
and in the message I have scehduled it says [PRAYERTIMES].

I’m not a prof. programmer I’m more a system admin and I just make scripts
here and there, so it has to be checked for holes etc. before being
published to others. But let me know what you think. The calendar thing
consist of a daemon (check_smsevent.php) checking every n minutes, a
add_smsevent.php and a manage_smsevent.php.

Be more open source by actually writing one.. well, not true, I think it should be… “be more open source by actually share yours” 🙂

Hav a nice long weekend.

playSMS v0.9 released at

PlaySMS is a flexible Web-based Mobile Portal System that it can be made to fit to various services such as an SMS gateway, personal messaging systems, corporate and group communication tools.

– Multiple database engine supported (using PEAR DB)
– Available for shared database usage (tables using its own prefix)
– Send SMS to single mobile phone (web2mobile)
– Send SMS broadcasted (bulk SMS) to a group of mobile phones (web2mobiles)
– Support sending flash and unicode message
– Receive private SMS to Inbox (mobile2web)
– Forward single SMS to a group of mobile phones (mobile2mobiles)
– SMS autoreply, for easy autoreplying formatted incoming SMS
– SMS board, forward received SMS to email,html and/or xml page
– SMS command, execute server side shell script using SMS
– SMS custom, forward incoming SMS to custom SMS application
– SMS poll, manage polling system using SMS
– Write your own features and gateway to handle incoming and outgoing SMS
– Write your own themes to suit your main websites
– Simple webservices for sending SMS and retrieving delivery reports (input.php)
– Create your own gateway module other than Gnokii, Kannel or Clickatell
– Easy webbased control panel

– Support long SMS, length of text configurable through config.php
– Introduce hooks, some function are hookable
– Introduce themes, new look and feel
– Introduce plugins
– Features, gateway and themes now part of plugins
– Plugins are dynamically loadable (no plugin management available at this time)
– Add all inbox, all incoming and outgoing sms, available from Administration menu
– Remove public phonebook or shared phonebook
– Modify playSMS bin scripts
– Modify installation manual
– Fix bugs on incoming sms handler on all gateway
– Fix bugs on incoming sms handler on all features
– Lots of database changes, forget about upgrading from 0.8.1 (sorry..)

Download version 0.9 here.

View latest source codes on SVN repository here (anonymous read access). Statistics here.

Please report bugs and/or submit feature requests here (in English please).


playSMS v0.9 SVN

Bagi-bagi info dan kerjaan di awal taun nih 🙂

Mereka yang ingin membantu saya dan rekan ngoprek barang2 GPL buatan Indonesia, silakan akses svn log nya disini:

Saya tau beberapa user pernah menggunakan playSMS, sebagian lain bahkan sampai menyempatkan waktu menulis manualnya dan memodifikasinya. Aplikasi sederhana untuk mengirim dan menerima SMS itu sekarang hendak dirilis versi 0.9 nya di SourceForge, hmm.. makin dekat ke 1.0 yah…

So.. sambil ngutak ngatik distro Linux terbaru yang makin keren ajah, main2 3D, optimasi squid dkk, coba2 juga dong playSMS nya, dan drop me email gituh 🙂

Ambil source terbaru playSMS:

svn co playsms

Selamat mencoba !

Halo Ini Suara Rakyat

I found an interesting post about VoIP Rakyat here:

And of course ‘nice’ comments all about it 🙂

Oh this is the part I like:

Halooo…. Baru pada panggilan ketiga Yenni Hartati Svensson mengangkat teleponnya. Wanita kelahiran Pekanbaru yang tinggal di Swedia ini pun berbincang dengan Tempo selama setengah jam. Gratis. Tak ada biaya dalam percakapan internasional pada pekan lalu itu. Paling hanya biaya koneksi internet, listrik untuk komputer, plus modal untuk membeli headphone seharga Rp 30 ribu.

Are we saving money here ? Yes of course !

Membuat Sendiri IP PBX (part 1: instalasi)

Ah tidak susah membuat sendiri IP PBX, tidak perlu tergantung TrixBox atau AsteriskNow.

Berikut adalah yang perlu anda lakukan untuk membuat sendiri IP PBX:
1. Download ippbx-src-p4-0.1.tar.gz dari
2. Extract di /usr/local/src
3. Baca dan ikuti langkah-langkah dalam file INSTALL

Yang perlu disiapkan adalah:
1. Fresh install Ubuntu server 7.10 pada mesin dengan prosesor Intel Pentium 4
2. Ubuntu server anda itu terhubung ke Internet, bisa download file (apt-get)

Agar lebih mudah memahami cara kerja IP PBX dan dapat langsung mencoba kehandalannya anda dapat membeli card AX100P yang harga nya sekitar Rp. 300.000,- an di pasaran. Tancapkan AX100P pada slot PCI yang anda yakin tidak sharing IRQ dengan slot PCI lainnya sebelum memulai mengikuti panduan dalam file INSTALL. Sambungkan line telepon dari Telkom atau dari extension line PBX analog anda ke port AX100P tersebut.

Bantu saya untuk menyempurnakan file INSTALL, apabila anda menemukan langkah-langkah yang kurang sesuai atau anda mengetahui langkah yang lebih baik silakan beri komentar di posting ini.

Selamat mencoba !

Mencari Developer

Kami mencari 1 orang developer untuk bekerja bersama kami mengembangkan produk dan layanan PT. Jelajah Media Informatika, termasuk di dalam nya adalah mengembangkan aplikasi dan layanan VoIP Rakyat serta membantu mengembangkan produk open source lainnya antara lain PlaySMS, PlayVoIP, PlayBilling dan Banjar.

– Programmer PHP (terbiasa menulis kode OOP pada PHP4 atau PHP5)
– Mengenal FOSS (mempunyai pengalaman dengan Drupal dan WordPress)
– Bisa bekerja di lingkungan berbasis Linux apabila dibutuhkan
– Bisa bekerja pada hari dan waktu kerja (Senin-Jumat, jam 09.00-17.00 WIB)

– Web 2.0 (HTML, CSS, Ajax, clear and simple web designing)

Salary Rp. 2.000.000,- sampai Rp. 3.000.000,-

Surat lamaran disampaikan sebelum 8 Februari 2008 via email:
– To: Anton Raharja, anton – at –
– CC: Endy Muhardin, endy – at –
– CC: Sindu Irawan, sindu – at –

Surat lamaran menyertakan hal-hal berikut dibawah ini dalam format pdf, odt atau doc sebagai attachment:
– Keterangan melamar pekerjaan
– Curriculum Vitae
– Portfolio minimal 3 buah