Category Archives: Software

Compiled tips and tricks

Serve GitHub Flavored Markdown

I do not want to forget how to do this, so I’m writing it down now. To me this is important as I wrote manuals and training materials in markdown format, like in GitHub wiki.

The article is about how to serve markdown formatted files just like you browse it in GitHub, locally or when offline. The markdown files are written in GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM).

Here goes the manual.

First, prepare your server or desktop, install npm.

apt-get install npm
ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node

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Install darktable from source on Ubuntu 14.10

darktable is an amazing software to deal with raw files taken from various camera.

Here is the description I get from file inside the source directory:

darktable is an open source photography workflow application and RAW developer. A virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers. It manages your digital negatives in a database, lets you view them through a zoomable lighttable and enables you to develop raw images and enhance them.

Certainly there is a simple way to install darktable that is by using apt-get once you added the PPA. More information about that can be read from here.

Currently the PPA will give you darktable 1.4.2 which I found to be OK but I simply need to test the latest, hoping for some fixes or UI changes and new feature. The version 1.4.2 was working fine with some hiccups here and there. The latest one seems faster with no hiccups, couldn’t notice any UI changes though. At the moment, compiling from source get me darktable 1.5.1+68~ge99de72.

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Permanent Redirect

Pindah domain. Blog lama di sekarang niatnya menjadi

Keduanya sama-sama menggunakan WordPress. Bedanya yang blog lama install sendiri, sedangkan blog baru .com sewa tempat di

Cara pindahnya cukup mudah.

Setelah blog baru ready maka saya export semua data-data saya melalui menu Tools->Export di blog lama, lalu import ke blog baru. Dengan demikian maka seluruh posts, comments, links yang ada di blog lama akan dapat diakses dari blog baru.

Berikutnya, lakukan setup via file .htaccess untuk permanent redirect di blog lama.

Saya backup file .htaccess lama di blog lama dengan memindahkannya ke lokasi lain, lalu saya buat file .htaccess baru dan saya isi dengan text berikut:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(quran|tmp)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

Sesuai teori yang cukup mudah diperoleh dengan googling maka sekarang setiap ada yang akses ke akan otomatis ditampilkan blog Sebagai tambahan coba perhatikan RewriteCond, aturan RewriteRule mendapat dua pengecualian yaitu untuk dan, keduanya tetap ditampilkan di blog lama.

Demikian info lama ini ditulis kembali agar tidak lupa 🙂

Ubuntu 9.10 + USB Modem 3G SpeedUp SU-8000U

Kemarin sore baru beli USB modem 3G ini, SpeedUp SU-8000U, bundled dengan kartu XL, harganya IDR 799.000,- ( mahal ga ini? 🙂 ). Merujuk website vendor/distributor-nya saya tidak menemukan seri SU-8000U (atau mungkin terlewat?). Saya menemukan tipe lain yaitu SU-8600U. Saya tidak tahu apakah SU-8000U ini sama dengan SU-8600U. Dari dimensi dan spesifikasi sepertinya sama.

Asumsi USB modem tersebut sama, saya berharap di website mereka tercantum manual bagimana cara menggunakannya di Linux. Sayang sekali manual tersebut tidak tersedia. Typical dah 🙂

Begitu sampai rumah langsung dicoba di laptop saya dengan Ubuntu 9.10 (baru upgrade). Setelah USB modem dipasang, hasil deteksi awal dengan menggunakan lsusb:
Bus 002 Device 010: ID 2020:f00f

Vendor ID 0x2020, Product ID 0xf00f.

USB modem ini pada awalnya hanya terdeteksi bagian usb-storage nya saja. Agar bisa digunakan untuk dial maka bagian usbserial-nya harus dapat terdeteksi, atau dengan kata lain kita harus dapat merubah dari usb-storage ke usbserial. Kita perlu menggunakan usb_modeswitch.

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Linux Bandwidth Manager using Banjar (part 1)


Banjar stands for bandwidth justification for administrator, an open source software that provides simple bandwidth management tools for internet cafe or small to medium network administrators.

Banjar will manage your uplink and downlink bandwidth, let you define your networks and packages and then limit bandwidth for each of those packages on each networks. For Indonesian, you will find this tool useful as it separates IIX bandwidth and International bandwidth. Easy application to install and operate.


LGPL as in GNU Lesser General Public License. In short, you can include Banjar as a library into your own application, re-publish it, modify it, change it, use it, sell it, for free or paid. You don’t need to provide the source code when using Banjar with your own software or any other software. Only when you modify Banjar source codes, you will have to provide those modifications accessible for public.


Main developer is Anton Raharja (me me mee..). Once I got helps from Abdul Hanan and Moses Kurniawan, mostly for web UI stuffs. Every now and then WAN-DKI team (Asoka, Engkos, Dedi, Husen, Sindu, Imam) helps in a way that they can do best, bug me to code fixes, updates and more features !


Below are software required to install Banjar. Most of them are already available on main stream Linux distros.

  1. Linux (any linux capable of running iptables and tc with HTB)
  2. Apache (any version, not tested on other web server)
  3. MySQL or Sqlite3 (the default is Sqlite3)
  4. PHP4 or PHP5 (wrote on php4 but will work on php5)
  6. iptables (load connmark modules, automatic on most distros)
  7. tc (iproute2 package)
  8. cron (scheduler for writing rules to a shell script and execute them automatically)
  9. svn (subversion package, this is optional, only for brave linux admin)

You may continue to installation part after all requirements above met.

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Banjar v0.8.1 Released

A quick post about Banjar, new release available here:

Changelog v0.8.1 (update 5 April 2008)
– add collapse javascript for simpler node view
– add print and save link on package menu
– always show available slots instead of used slots
– fix bug on handling unmarked nodes
– fix bug doesn’t executed correctly from cron
– fix bug running paralel


Banjar v0.8 Released

I just love iptables and tc ! I even create a simple, easy to install easy to use application to make you love them as I do 😀

Version 0.8 contains several enhancements and a few important fixes. Starting from this version Banjar will not just for Indonesian (with IIX stuff hardcoded), but since admin can create a network based on destinations and each network can have their own packages where nodes (former name is client) can select multiple packages, Banjar will be suitable for those having problem configuring Linux bandwidth management or simply loves web-based user interface.

Other enhancements would be the addition of Sqlite3 support. This means that the router managing clients will not need MySQL installed, instead we use a text file based database, Sqlite3.

Don’t forget to always view the latest changelog here:

Latest source code always available on svn repository:

svn co banjar

RT/RW Net are most welcome to test the latest Banjar 🙂

Changlog Banjar v0.8 (update 18 March 2008)
– add support for sqlite3, and make it default, no mysql installed on router
– remove netfilter.iix as we have them on database now, network menu
– remove invoices from nodes
– each network has their own packages
– nodes can select multiple packages
– packet marking using connmark and mark, speed up performances
– fix cacti templates on contribs
– move config*.php to directory conf (conf.example)
– add support for network, group packages and nodes based on destinations
– major changes on database structure (upgrade available)
– add support for registry, dynamic configurations stored in a database table

Dive into to get the latest source code, svn repository, view demo, statistics and tracker.

I need help, please contribute by simply submitting bugs and requests to tracker.

Bandwidth shaping in Linux is easy, we can help optimizing and perfecting the tool, we can help each other by contributing knowledges 😉


simpleWebcam v0.1 – opensource

Awalnya diminta temen bagaimana caranya agar ruang siaran JW Radio 107.6 FM Jakarta dapat dipertontonkan pada umum :).

Artinya, pasang webcam di ruang siaran, broadcast ke server, buat script yang baca data dari server, ubah ke HTML dan pasang di website JW Radio 107.6 FM Jakarta itu. So.. OK lah, gampang aja, pasang webcam nya di ruang siaran, sambungin ke PC di ruang siaran, download program webcam FTP upload, klak klik klak klik jadilah PC itu upload file gambar hasil snapshot webcam terus-menerus setiap N detik ke server FTP yang sudah disiapkan. Di sisi server, saya tinggal nulis script yang baca file gambar itu terus-menerus setiap N detik dan tampilkan dalam bentuk HTML. File HTML itu kemudian ditampilkan di website JW Radio 107.6 FM Jakarta itu.

Jadilah website JW Radio 107.6 FM Jakarta itu dilengkapi dengan sebuah block disebelah kirinya berupa tontonan menarik yang diaktori oleh para penyiar JW Radio 107.6 FM Jakarta :).

Bagaimana cara buat nya ??

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Awal tahun bersama playBilling

Tahun baru buat gw emang beda, setiap awal tahun waktunya nge-rilis ‘maenan’ baru :D. Tahun ini waktunya rilis playBilling, aplikasi billing untuk warnet atau provider2 hotspot.

PlayBilling berasal dari permintaan client ICT Centre Jakarta di Bontang/Kaltim yang pengen RT/RW net nya bisa seperti warung2 kopi (Starbuck de el el) di Jakarta. Pada awalnya gw mikir untuk implement Nocat (biasa, budget rendah, ICT gituuu), tetapi client mempunyai beberapa keinginan lain yang rupanya aga repot kalo di-customize dari Nocat. Sekalian deh, daripada kerja 2 kali, bikin aja aplikasi sendiri yang kerjanya pada dasarnya sama dengan Nocat tetapi kami punya kebebasan untuk mengutak-atik program-nya spesifik hingga sesuai dengan kebutuhan sang client. Om Endy Muhardin gw minta bantu untuk membuat program itu, jadilah playBilling. Gw dan Hanan mengurusi masalah2 non-Java atau di-Java nya tetapi tidak core-nya.

Seperti biasa, setelah ‘play-play’ yang lain, playBilling juga kami set berlisensi GPL.

Oh ya, gw juga udah setup Wiki untuk playBilling biar kalian bisa bantu kami memberesken masalah dokumentasi :D. Cobain yah playBilling nya, perbaiki kalo error, kunjungi dan tambahin data2 yang berguna di wiki nya, diskusikan masalah2nya di forum dan jangan lupa.. sama2 yuk ramein dunia opensource Indonesia.. (hehe.. gaya bener)